Governance Framework
Regional Capitals Australia (RCA) is a nationwide Mayors and CEOs forum governed by a board of nine councils and led by a Chair and Deputy Chair. RCA’s financials are coordinated by our Treasurer, Fraser Coast Regional Council.

Mayor Peter Carter
Chair, Town of Port Hedland

Mr Frank Zaknich
CEO, Albury City Council

Mayor Jerry Clune
WA Representative, City of Greater Geraldton

Mayor Doug Curran
Secretary, Griffith City Council

Mayor George Seymour
QLD Representative, Fraser Coast Regional Council

Mayor Diana Mislov
SA Representative, City of Port Lincoln

Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell
NT Representative, City of Palmerston

Mr Brett Stonestreet
General Manager, Griffith City Council

Mr Ken Deihm
CEO, Fraser Coast Regional Council

Mr Ross McKim
CEO, City of Greater Geraldton

Mr Murray Wood
CEO, Dubbo Regional Council

Ms Ali Wastie
CEO, Geelong City Council

Mr Eric Brown
CEO, City of Port Lincoln

Mayor Kevin Mack
Deputy Chair, Albury City Council

Mayor Dale Harriman
Vic Representative, Latrobe City Council