Regional capitals have never been more relevant or important to the fabric of our nation. More and more city people are discovering what we have known for a long time: regional capitals offer an attractive, relaxed lifestyle that our state and territory capitals cannot.
The past 12 months have been busy as Regional Capitals Australia worked hard to secure additional government investment to help ease housing and workforce shortages, and deliver critical infrastructure at a time of rising costs. We had a busy program of advocacy as the Federal Government developed and released programs across key portfolio areas impacting regional capitals.
Our Annual Statement has been published and I invite you to read it. We are proud to look back on 2024, our major achievements and all that we have delivered for regional Australia. Over the past year,
We had a seat at the table at
- Departmental National Urban Policy Consultative Forum, which informed a new national urban policy;
- Ministerial Regional Roundtable, which advises government on key issues impacting regional Australia; and
- Federal Peak Body Alliance for Regionalisation, which advocates for issues impacting regional Australia.
Our policy recommendations were reflected in:
- the National Urban Policy, which will deliver successful cities (including regional capitals) across Australia; and
- the Aviation White Paper, which is the framework to deliver a strong aviation sector.
We also successfully advocated for new funding programs to support our members:
- The Regional Airports Program: $40 million over three years to improve safety, improved delivery of services and air services and emergency response;
- The Housing Support Program (Federal Government): $500 million to support the delivery of increased housing supply by funding enabling infrastructure and provide amenities to support; and
- Housing Infrastructure Programme (Federal Opposition): $5 billion commitment to deliver housing enabling infrastructure including a 30% allocation to regional Australia.
We have been continuing our advocacy for our members to receive a greater share of skills as the Federal Government conducts its review into Regional Migration Settings, and to secure recognition for our members’ role as a service hub that requires them to deliver services and infrastructure that our metropolitan counterparts do not.
This year has been turbulent for regional aviation, with both Rex Airlines and Bonza entering voluntary administration. We continue to ask the Federal Government to formally recognise the vulnerability of regional aviation and act to ensure regional routes operated by Rex Airlines continue. We are pleased the Federal Government will support Rex’s regional air routes and guarantee ticket sales during the voluntary administration period to June 30, 2025.
With the federal budget and federal election approaching, we have put together our priorities for the coming year. They are:
- A national population plan that recognises and plans for the growth of regional capital cities;
- Regional migration settings that enable regional capitals to sustainably grow;
- Housing enabling infrastructure and a housing innovation fund to enable our member cities to address the housing crisis;
- Annual allocations to each regional council to support the delivery of community infrastructure;
- Topping up the regional airports program and resolving airport security arrangements to allow for a more equitable system that reflects the risk environment;
- More support for regional arts and culture activities in regional capitals; and
- Better planning and access to funding for water infrastructure to support industry and population growth.
I look forward to continuing to champion regional capitals and the communities we all represent throughout 2025, however as this year draws to close, I wish you and your family a safe and relaxing festive season.
Kind regards
Mayor Peter Carter
Regional Capitals Australia